Strawberry plant peaking up through the dirt

If you have read this blog for awhile you know my luck at growing strawberries has been very bad. So I have to say I was very excited to see a little strawberry plant start to break through the dirt of the big party bucket I have sitting on the front porch.  This is one of the bunches of strawberry plants we dug up last fall for free.  I can’t tell you how excited I am to see that new growth.  One of the best things about gardening is seeing a plant poke up it’s head in spring and know you helped with that rebirth.  I’m buying more of the tomato trellis type cages so I can go a bit more vertical in my growing. A bit more expensive than the regular tomato cages but a lot more flexible to use.  I need to get some more of the “party buckets” for planting because I want to try out Kate’s idea of a year round tomato plant.  Since it will moved either to the greenhouse or the house over the winter anyway I might as well get it in the “bucket” to start this spring and see how it works out.

The next few days have rain in the forecast so I can see how well my trench filling works out and how much the soil settles. I think I can use some of the excess soil from the trench to build good soil for planting.  I would use my store bought garbage cans to store the soil since the city now requires us to use the big bin type cans to make garbage collection more efficient.  It’s a bit annoying but garbage cans are great multi-taskers so finding a use for them is not very hard.  Besides I need to eliminate all those humps and get some grass seed planted in those areas.

I am getting the last few parts I found I needed for the solar generator and the RV’s solar set up.  I ordered the small battery powered chainsaw for the RV and I’m starting up my yard sale list for spring. I need to get a couple of axes as well as a splitting maul and sledge for the wood. While I can’t do a lot of physical work by hand I can do some and if the SHTF I’m sure my neighbors would help out in return for some wood or a place by the fire on a cold day. I’m getting stocked up on the coffee while it is cheap and I finished up the meat for the freezer and still have room for more if a good sale comes up.

I know the news isn’t good, in fact it is downright awful but don’t get into panic mode or let your brain lock up. If you knew the SHTF next month what would you get first to help you survive?  It could be a book, a canner or a pocket knife it does not have to be expensive.  Next ask yourself how you could get “whatever” without going into debt or if there is a substitute that would work short term? Just today Mom broke a nail “Oh, great now that nail can annoy me all day”.  I handed her my Leatherman with a fine file that sort of cleaned up the jagged edges of the nail. Nothing big but that small thing made life a little less annoying. Start with taking care of the small things and it will help to take care of the big things.

7 Responses to Strawberry plant peaking up through the dirt

  1. Things just seem to slowly spiral downward, but never quite enough to bring on any real dislocation. It’s like dieing of cancer rather than from a heart attack. You are just as dead but it takes longer to get there.

    • Jamie says:

      Harry, Sorry you are bummed. I obviouly failed at making this a positive post. I got the sticky end of the lollipop during the first couple months of 2014 but I feel pretty confident overall with what I have accomplished and feel I have a good shot at coming out on the other side alive.

      It sort of like gambiling with a roulette wheel. Where the ball lands is completely random but everything I do prepare means I cover up one of those random number slots with a piece of tape which heps increace my odds of winning!

  2. Rob In His Bunker says:

    Keep plugging away…

  3. Marilyn says:

    If I needed to start getting one thing together fast it would be food and water. There are lots of ways to improvise the other life necessities but there is no way to improvise when it come to food and water. Water being free for the most part there is probably not many valid excuses for not having water on hand.

    • Jamie says:

      Marilyn, That’s how I started out before I knew I was a prepper 😉
      But I’m not sure if food should be first unless you are trying to stay ahead of inflation. If food prices go up quickly as I think they might this year you could be correct.

      Water is huge but having a renewable source is also critical. I cringe at some of the plans people have for getting more water from the local “creek” 10 miles away or even a city fountain in the park. ARRRRRGH!

      It’s a bit more expensive but I lean towards tools and backups. Of course it helps that I have my food and water already on hand and I have enough test runs I feel confident.

  4. Kate in Colorado says:

    So glad you read about my thoughts on growing tomatoes indoors. I have had quite a few of the tasty little guys over the last few years. Just a couple of thoughts. Be sure you have drainage holes in any “bucket” type of contaners and remember that tomatoes grown this way will need to be hand pollinated. I use a small very soft paintbrush. Just touch all the open flowers to scatter the pollen. I also give them a little compot tea every third or fourth watering. Love your blog!

    • Jamie says:

      Kate, I drilled holes in the buckets, then 4-6 inches of old decomposing straw, a thin layer of year old rabbit poo then filled with a potting soil. That seems to help keep the soil from compacting. I don’t think I got a very good quality soil but at least one strawberry plant seems really happy in it’s bucket and the soil mix I’m trying this year.

      With the Tomato plant instead of planting it in the raised beds I figured I would add a party bucket along side and grow the tomatoes outside and then bring them inside before the frost. Mom is going to tryout your method too. I have an aunt that raises heirloom plants that are wonderful. My aunt gave us a lesson in soap making and all kinds of good info on using essential oils for stuff.

      Do you pollinate the new flowers after they grow back from when you cut the plant back in fall?

      I glad you like the blog. It’s nice to know that others enjoy reading my work.